16 Boulevard Royal – L-2449 Luxembourg
Monday to Friday
8 am to 5 pm

BLI’s bond management strategy enables investors to benefit from the virtuous dynamics of the stable or improving quality of the issuers identified and solid credit ratings due to their proven control of debt service. We avoid issuers with deteriorating credit metrics – no matter how cheaply their bonds are valued.

Our investment philosophy

When selecting issuers, quality is the priority.

Our active and unrestricted strategy exploits the virtuous circle of:

  • stable or improving issuer quality
  • falling cost of debt

while controlling the risks.


Our investment process

Fixed Income Investment Methodology

Top-down Considerations to Set the Scene … a Bottom-up Approach to Implement It

Fixed Income Management

Combine Different Approaches According to the Desired Objectives
Ability to implement one or more sustainable strategies, simultaneously or not, depending on the universe considered and the objectives set in terms of ESG performance and/or impact.

Social Bond Impulsum Impact Series 1 


Profiling Emerging markets sustainability


If you would like more information, please contact

Jean-Philippe Donge
Head of Fixed Income